This Statue is known as the Great Aardvark at Omo because it is on the
banks of the Omo River in southwestern Ethiopia. Scientists are still unsure
if it is a well preserved fossil from prehistoric times or if it is a product of human hands.
is a sacred site for Aardvarkians who believe that God is an Aardvark. They also believe that the Statue has existed on the banks of the Omo River since the beginning of time, a gift from the Greatest of All Aardvarks (GAA aka God).
The statue is not available for extensive scientific analysis. Carbon dating was permitted however and the Great Aardvark at Omo is estimated to be at least 2,550,000 years old. If not a gift from god, or a fossil, the Great Aardvark at Omo is the earliest known artifact of mankind. Considering the technology available at the time would make it one of the greatest engineering marvels of all time, rivaling if not surpassing the Great Pyramids of Egypt as one of mans greatest architectural achievements.
Anthropologist are excited over fossil discoveries that indicate the existence of Aardvarapithecus which is skeletal remains of a 97 million year old aardvark which carbon dating indicates to be 94 million years old. Scientists have concluded from DNA analysis that there is a distinct connection between humans and aardvarks. This would tend to support the Aardvarkian belief that God is an aardvark and created man in his own image.
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/2676377.stm (Human - Aardvark DNA connection)
http://www.archaeologyinfo.com/australopithecusafarensis.htm (australopithecus info)
http://www.mnsu.edu/emuseum/archaeology/sites/africa/omoriver.html (Omo River)
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