Christ Just a Copy Based On Egyptian Gods
Much of the Christian History preexisted as Egyptian Mythology, buried out of sight for thousands of years in a hieroglyphical language.
Whether you believe it or not does not matter, the fatal fact remains that every trait and feature which go to make up the Christ as Divinity, and every event or circumstance taken to establish the human personality was prexistant, and pre-applied to the Egyptian and Gnostic Christ.
Yet the majority of people in the world today assume or believe that Jesus Christ was a real person. Maybe he wasn't 'The Messiah" or the 'Son of God', maybe he didn't really perform miracles or rise from the dead, but at the very least he was a great moral teacher from which Christianity sprung, right?
Perhaps not, for the evidence is strong to suggest the story of Jesus is just that, a story, a MYTH.
Like many other religious figures, "Jesus Christ" began as a theological concept, was later used as a character in allegorical stories, and was then historicized as someone whom people believed really existed.
Some take the view that Jesus was a real person who was a teacher, as well as a leader of a religious movement. If this was true you would expect that this person would have produced his own writings since other rabbis, teachers and theologians did. It is possible that Jesus didn't know how to write (although that doesn't seem very God-like) or maybe his incredibly sacred and divine works just weren't preserved?
It is hard if not impossible to even find anything written about Jesus by ANYONE during his lifetime. Don't you think if someone was performing miraculous acts there would be a fairly contemporary accounting of them? Virtually everything written about Jesus in the Bible was written at least 40-50 years AFTER HIS DEATH, by followers. Little to nothing can be found from non-Christian sources.
Maybe Jesus should have spent more time leaving evidence of his existence instead of walking on water? But of course that would just be too easy, and not put your FAITH to much of a test.
Believe In Jesus or Burn In Hell
Only one original feature was introduced by Christians for their savior deity. Whereas the Hellenistic tradition of liberality and inclusiveness allowed for the side-by-side existence of many cult deities within the pantheon of saviors -- and pagan devotees hedged his or her bets by subscribing to the cults of several savior gods -- only Christianity claimed exclusivity for its version of the old tune, and regarded Jesus Christ as the sole existing source of salvation. Once political power was obtained, of course, that claim of exclusivity was ruthlessly enforced.
Without belief in Jesus, the Christian religion loses all justification for its existence. As such, it becomes of vital importance to examine what is claimed about the Biblical Jesus and to evaluate these claims.
Interesting links:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EQLD59fK_Iw (Origins of Religious Myths)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vMo5R5pLPBE (Hitchens on Jesus)
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